cURL ruby python javascript java


Welcome to the Enderbook API! You can use our API to access Enderbook API endpoints, which can get information on various Minecraft Archives uploaded by Enderbook users in our database.

We have language bindings in Shell, Ruby, Python, Java, and JavaScript! You can view code examples in the dark area to the right, and you can switch the programming language of the examples with the tabs in the top right.


Currently, authentication is not needed for requests except for archive creation. When creating an archive, a Bearer token will need to be provided in your request along with your API Key. See Creating Archives to learn more.


Get All Archives

require "uri"
require "net/http"

url = URI("")

https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =

response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body
# Using Requests
import requests

url = ""

headers = {}

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


# Using Http.Client instead
import http.client

conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
payload = ''
headers = {}
conn.request("GET", "/api/v1/archives", payload, headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data =
curl --location --request GET ''
// Using Unirest
Unirest.setTimeouts(0, 0);
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("")

// Using OkHttp
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .method("GET", null)
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
// Using Fetch
var requestOptions = {
  method: 'GET',
  redirect: 'follow'

fetch("", requestOptions)
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));

// Using jQuery
var settings = {
  "url": "",
  "method": "GET",
  "timeout": 0,

$.ajax(settings).done(function (response) {

// Using XHR
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.withCredentials = true;

xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function() {
  if(this.readyState === 4) {
});"GET", "");


The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "data": {
        "archives_count": 448,
        "archives": [
                "data": {
                    "generic_data": {
                        "username": "ianrandmckenzie",
                        "title": "Shiny Kit",
                        "slug": "shiny-kit",
                        "archive_type": "kit",
                        "created_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.253Z",
                        "updated_at": "2021-01-04T01:58:18.137Z",
                        "public": true,
                        "for_trade": null,
                        "nsfw": false,
                        "url": "",
                        "description": "",
                        "likes": 1
                    "archive_items": {
                        "data": {
                            "items": [
                                    "item_type": 310,
                                    "item_meta": 1,
                                    "item_name": "Enchanted Diamond Helmet",
                                    "item_text_type": "diamond_helmet",
                                    "kit_index": 1,
                                    "quantity": null,
                                    "image_format": "gif",
                                    "hue_rotation": "1",
                                    "durability": 100,
                                    "created_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.257Z",
                                    "updated_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.257Z"
                                    "item_type": 278,
                                    "item_meta": 1,
                                    "item_name": "Enchanted Diamond Pickaxe",
                                    "item_text_type": "diamond_pickaxe",
                                    "kit_index": 2,
                                    "quantity": null,
                                    "image_format": "gif",
                                    "hue_rotation": "1",
                                    "durability": 100,
                                    "created_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.261Z",
                                    "updated_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.261Z"
                                    "item_type": 276,
                                    "item_meta": 1,
                                    "item_name": "Enchanted Diamond Sword",
                                    "item_text_type": "diamond_sword",
                                    "kit_index": 3,
                                    "quantity": null,
                                    "image_format": "gif",
                                    "hue_rotation": "1",
                                    "durability": 100,
                                    "created_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.263Z",
                                    "updated_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.263Z"
                                    "item_type": 426,
                                    "item_meta": 0,
                                    "item_name": "End Crystal",
                                    "item_text_type": "end_crystal",
                                    "kit_index": 4,
                                    "quantity": 64,
                                    "image_format": "png",
                                    "hue_rotation": "1",
                                    "durability": 100,
                                    "created_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.265Z",
                                    "updated_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.265Z"
                                    "item_type": 359,
                                    "item_meta": 1,
                                    "item_name": "Enchanted Shears",
                                    "item_text_type": "shears",
                                    "kit_index": 5,
                                    "quantity": null,
                                    "image_format": "gif",
                                    "hue_rotation": "1",
                                    "durability": 100,
                                    "created_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.268Z",
                                    "updated_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.268Z"
                                    "item_type": 261,
                                    "item_meta": 1,
                                    "item_name": "Enchanted Bow",
                                    "item_text_type": "bow",
                                    "kit_index": 6,
                                    "quantity": null,
                                    "image_format": "gif",
                                    "hue_rotation": "1",
                                    "durability": 100,
                                    "created_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.270Z",
                                    "updated_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.270Z"
                                    "item_type": 373,
                                    "item_meta": 10,
                                    "item_name": "Potion of Regeneration",
                                    "item_text_type": "potion",
                                    "kit_index": 7,
                                    "quantity": null,
                                    "image_format": "gif",
                                    "hue_rotation": "1",
                                    "durability": 100,
                                    "created_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.273Z",
                                    "updated_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.273Z"
                                    "item_type": 373,
                                    "item_meta": 4,
                                    "item_name": "Potion of Healing",
                                    "item_text_type": "potion",
                                    "kit_index": 8,
                                    "quantity": null,
                                    "image_format": "gif",
                                    "hue_rotation": "1",
                                    "durability": 100,
                                    "created_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.275Z",
                                    "updated_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.275Z"
                                    "item_type": 373,
                                    "item_meta": 13,
                                    "item_name": "Potion of Strength",
                                    "item_text_type": "potion",
                                    "kit_index": 9,
                                    "quantity": null,
                                    "image_format": "gif",
                                    "hue_rotation": "1",
                                    "durability": 100,
                                    "created_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.278Z",
                                    "updated_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.278Z"
                                    "item_type": 311,
                                    "item_meta": 1,
                                    "item_name": "Enchanted Diamond Chestplate",
                                    "item_text_type": "diamond_chestplate",
                                    "kit_index": 10,
                                    "quantity": null,
                                    "image_format": "gif",
                                    "hue_rotation": "1",
                                    "durability": 100,
                                    "created_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.281Z",
                                    "updated_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.281Z"
                                    "item_type": 278,
                                    "item_meta": 1,
                                    "item_name": "Enchanted Diamond Pickaxe",
                                    "item_text_type": "diamond_pickaxe",
                                    "kit_index": 11,
                                    "quantity": null,
                                    "image_format": "gif",
                                    "hue_rotation": "1",
                                    "durability": 100,
                                    "created_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.283Z",
                                    "updated_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.283Z"
                                    "item_type": 279,
                                    "item_meta": 1,
                                    "item_name": "Enchanted Diamond Axe",
                                    "item_text_type": "diamond_axe",
                                    "kit_index": 12,
                                    "quantity": null,
                                    "image_format": "gif",
                                    "hue_rotation": "1",
                                    "durability": 100,
                                    "created_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.286Z",
                                    "updated_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.286Z"
                                    "item_type": 426,
                                    "item_meta": 0,
                                    "item_name": "End Crystal",
                                    "item_text_type": "end_crystal",
                                    "kit_index": 13,
                                    "quantity": 64,
                                    "image_format": "png",
                                    "hue_rotation": "1",
                                    "durability": 100,
                                    "created_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.289Z",
                                    "updated_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.289Z"
                                    "item_type": 443,
                                    "item_meta": 1,
                                    "item_name": "Enchanted Elytra",
                                    "item_text_type": "elytra",
                                    "kit_index": 14,
                                    "quantity": null,
                                    "image_format": "gif",
                                    "hue_rotation": "1",
                                    "durability": 100,
                                    "created_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.291Z",
                                    "updated_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.291Z"
                                    "item_type": 346,
                                    "item_meta": 1,
                                    "item_name": "Enchanted Fishing Rod",
                                    "item_text_type": "fishing_rod",
                                    "kit_index": 15,
                                    "quantity": null,
                                    "image_format": "gif",
                                    "hue_rotation": "1",
                                    "durability": 100,
                                    "created_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.292Z",
                                    "updated_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.292Z"
                                    "item_type": 373,
                                    "item_meta": 10,
                                    "item_name": "Potion of Regeneration",
                                    "item_text_type": "potion",
                                    "kit_index": 16,
                                    "quantity": null,
                                    "image_format": "gif",
                                    "hue_rotation": "1",
                                    "durability": 100,
                                    "created_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.294Z",
                                    "updated_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.294Z"
                                    "item_type": 373,
                                    "item_meta": 4,
                                    "item_name": "Potion of Healing",
                                    "item_text_type": "potion",
                                    "kit_index": 17,
                                    "quantity": null,
                                    "image_format": "gif",
                                    "hue_rotation": "1",
                                    "durability": 100,
                                    "created_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.296Z",
                                    "updated_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.296Z"
                                    "item_type": 373,
                                    "item_meta": 13,
                                    "item_name": "Potion of Strength",
                                    "item_text_type": "potion",
                                    "kit_index": 18,
                                    "quantity": null,
                                    "image_format": "gif",
                                    "hue_rotation": "1",
                                    "durability": 100,
                                    "created_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.298Z",
                                    "updated_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.298Z"
                                    "item_type": 312,
                                    "item_meta": 1,
                                    "item_name": "Enchanted Diamond Leggings",
                                    "item_text_type": "diamond_leggings",
                                    "kit_index": 19,
                                    "quantity": null,
                                    "image_format": "gif",
                                    "hue_rotation": "1",
                                    "durability": 100,
                                    "created_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.299Z",
                                    "updated_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.299Z"
                                    "item_type": 313,
                                    "item_meta": 1,
                                    "item_name": "Enchanted Diamond Boots",
                                    "item_text_type": "diamond_boots",
                                    "kit_index": 20,
                                    "quantity": null,
                                    "image_format": "gif",
                                    "hue_rotation": "1",
                                    "durability": 100,
                                    "created_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.301Z",
                                    "updated_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.301Z"
                                    "item_type": 277,
                                    "item_meta": 1,
                                    "item_name": "Enchanted Diamond Shovel",
                                    "item_text_type": "diamond_shovel",
                                    "kit_index": 21,
                                    "quantity": null,
                                    "image_format": "gif",
                                    "hue_rotation": "1",
                                    "durability": 100,
                                    "created_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.303Z",
                                    "updated_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.303Z"
                                    "item_type": 426,
                                    "item_meta": 0,
                                    "item_name": "End Crystal",
                                    "item_text_type": "end_crystal",
                                    "kit_index": 22,
                                    "quantity": 64,
                                    "image_format": "png",
                                    "hue_rotation": "1",
                                    "durability": 100,
                                    "created_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.310Z",
                                    "updated_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.310Z"
                                    "item_type": 398,
                                    "item_meta": 1,
                                    "item_name": "Enchanted Carrot on a Stick",
                                    "item_text_type": "carrot_on_a_stick",
                                    "kit_index": 23,
                                    "quantity": null,
                                    "image_format": "gif",
                                    "hue_rotation": "1",
                                    "durability": 100,
                                    "created_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.313Z",
                                    "updated_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.313Z"
                                    "item_type": 442,
                                    "item_meta": 1,
                                    "item_name": "Enchanted Shield",
                                    "item_text_type": "shield",
                                    "kit_index": 24,
                                    "quantity": null,
                                    "image_format": "gif",
                                    "hue_rotation": "1",
                                    "durability": 100,
                                    "created_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.315Z",
                                    "updated_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.315Z"
                                    "item_type": 373,
                                    "item_meta": 10,
                                    "item_name": "Potion of Regeneration",
                                    "item_text_type": "potion",
                                    "kit_index": 25,
                                    "quantity": null,
                                    "image_format": "gif",
                                    "hue_rotation": "1",
                                    "durability": 100,
                                    "created_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.321Z",
                                    "updated_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.321Z"
                                    "item_type": 373,
                                    "item_meta": 4,
                                    "item_name": "Potion of Healing",
                                    "item_text_type": "potion",
                                    "kit_index": 26,
                                    "quantity": null,
                                    "image_format": "gif",
                                    "hue_rotation": "1",
                                    "durability": 100,
                                    "created_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.327Z",
                                    "updated_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.327Z"
                                    "item_type": 373,
                                    "item_meta": 13,
                                    "item_name": "Potion of Strength",
                                    "item_text_type": "potion",
                                    "kit_index": 27,
                                    "quantity": null,
                                    "image_format": "gif",
                                    "hue_rotation": "1",
                                    "durability": 100,
                                    "created_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.331Z",
                                    "updated_at": "2020-06-23T08:14:37.331Z"
                            "item_count": 27
                    "kit_meta_image": {
                        "filename": "kit_image_30.jpg",
                        "urls": {
                            "original": "//",
                            "thumb": "//",
                            "medium": "//",
                            "large": "//"
             // ... four more archives are displayed here.

This endpoint retrieves all archives, paginated in sections of five.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
page First Page If blank, returns latest five archives.
archive_type All Types If blank, returns all archive types. Otherwise, narrow your choices: banner,kit,map, or simply banner

Archive Types

Get a Specific Archive

require "uri"
require "net/http"

url = URI("")

https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =

response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body
# Using Requests
import requests

url = ""

headers = {}

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


# Using http.client
import http.client

conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
payload = ''
headers = {}
conn.request("GET", "/api/v1/archives/25k-ne", payload, headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data =
curl --location --request GET ''
// Using Unirest
Unirest.setTimeouts(0, 0);
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("")

// Using OkHttp
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .method("GET", null)
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
// Using Fetch
var requestOptions = {
  method: 'GET',
  redirect: 'follow'

fetch("", requestOptions)
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));

// Using jQuery
var settings = {
  "url": "",
  "method": "GET",
  "timeout": 0,

$.ajax(settings).done(function (response) {

// Using XHR
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.withCredentials = true;

xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function() {
  if(this.readyState === 4) {
});"GET", "");


The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "data": {
        "generic_data": {
            "username": "ianrandmckenzie",
            "title": "25k NE",
            "slug": "25k-ne",
            "archive_type": "book",
            "created_at": "2020-07-02T03:26:49.879Z",
            "updated_at": "2021-01-04T01:58:05.544Z",
            "public": true,
            "for_trade": null,
            "nsfw": false,
            "url": "",
            "description": "",
            "likes": 0,
            "server": {
                "slug": "constantiam-0257a3fe-70fa-4e91-82dc-be3ae5852cde",
                "title": "Constantiam",
                "minecraft_server_address": "",
                "website_address": "",
                "created_at": "2020-07-02T03:26:49.870Z",
                "updated_at": "2020-12-08T01:44:52.242Z"
        "book_author": "ianrandmckenzie",
        "book_pages": {
            "data": {
                "pages_type": "image",
                "page_count": 3,
                "pages": [
                        "attachment_file_name": "Screen_Shot_2020-07-01_at_8.24.42_PM.png",
                        "urls": {
                            "original": "//",
                            "thumb": "//",
                            "medium": "//",
                            "large": "//"
                        "created_at": "2020-07-02T03:26:51.808Z",
                        "updated_at": "2020-07-02T04:29:42.920Z"
                        "attachment_file_name": "Screen_Shot_2020-07-01_at_8.24.35_PM.png",
                        "urls": {
                            "original": "//",
                            "thumb": "//",
                            "medium": "//",
                            "large": "//"
                        "created_at": "2020-07-02T03:26:52.333Z",
                        "updated_at": "2020-07-02T04:29:42.923Z"
                        "attachment_file_name": "Screen_Shot_2020-07-01_at_8.24.27_PM.png",
                        "urls": {
                            "original": "//",
                            "thumb": "//",
                            "medium": "//",
                            "large": "//"
                        "created_at": "2020-07-02T03:26:52.649Z",
                        "updated_at": "2020-07-02T04:29:42.925Z"

This endpoint retrieves a specific archive.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
slug The slug of the archive to retrieve

Creating Archives

require "uri"
require "net/http"

url = URI("")

https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Authorization"] = "Bearer YOUR_API_KEY_HERE"
form_data = [['archive[title]','undefined')],['archive[archive_type]','undefined')],['archive[public]','undefined')],['archive[description]','undefined')],['archive[nsfw]','undefined')],['archive[for_trade]','undefined')],['archive[featured_image]','/path/to/Desktop/banner.png')]]
request.set_form form_data, 'multipart/form-data'
response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body
# Using Requests
import requests

url = ""

headers = {
  'Authorization': 'Bearer YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload, files=files)


# Using http.client
import http.client
import mimetypes
from codecs import encode

conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
dataList = []
boundary = 'wL36Yn8afVp8Ag7AmP8qZ0SA4n1v9T'
dataList.append(encode('--' + boundary))
dataList.append(encode('Content-Disposition: form-data; name=archive[title];'))

dataList.append(encode('Content-Type: {}'.format('text/plain')))

dataList.append(encode("Distant Worlds Expedition"))
dataList.append(encode('--' + boundary))
dataList.append(encode('Content-Disposition: form-data; name=archive[archive_type];'))

dataList.append(encode('Content-Type: {}'.format('text/plain')))

dataList.append(encode('--' + boundary))
dataList.append(encode('Content-Disposition: form-data; name=archive[public];'))

dataList.append(encode('Content-Type: {}'.format('text/plain')))

dataList.append(encode('--' + boundary))
dataList.append(encode('Content-Disposition: form-data; name=archive[description];'))

dataList.append(encode('Content-Type: {}'.format('text/plain')))

dataList.append(encode("Look at my cool banner!"))
dataList.append(encode('--' + boundary))
dataList.append(encode('Content-Disposition: form-data; name=archive[nsfw];'))

dataList.append(encode('Content-Type: {}'.format('text/plain')))

dataList.append(encode('--' + boundary))
dataList.append(encode('Content-Disposition: form-data; name=archive[for_trade];'))

dataList.append(encode('Content-Type: {}'.format('text/plain')))

dataList.append(encode('--' + boundary))
dataList.append(encode('Content-Disposition: form-data; name=archive[featured_image]; filename={0}'.format('banner.png')))

fileType = mimetypes.guess_type('/path/to/Desktop/banner.png')[0] or 'application/octet-stream'
dataList.append(encode('Content-Type: {}'.format(fileType)))

with open('/path/to/Desktop/banner.png', 'rb') as f:
body = b'\r\n'.join(dataList)
payload = body
headers = {
  'Authorization': 'Bearer YOUR_API_KEY_HERE',
  'Content-type': 'multipart/form-data; boundary={}'.format(boundary)
conn.request("POST", "/api/v1/archives/create?username=YOUR_USERNAME_HERE", payload, headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data =
# You python people are absolute madlads.
# —Ian
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY_HERE' \
--form 'archive[title]="Distant Worlds Expedition"' \
--form 'archive[archive_type]="banner"' \
--form 'archive[public]="0"' \
--form 'archive[description]="Look at my cool banner!"' \
--form 'archive[nsfw]="0"' \
--form 'archive[for_trade]="0"' \
--form 'archive[featured_image]=@"/path/to/Desktop/banner.png"'
// Using Unirest
Unirest.setTimeouts(0, 0);
HttpResponse<String> response ="")
  .header("Authorization", "Bearer YOUR_API_KEY_HERE")
  .field("archive[title]", "Distant Worlds Expedition")
  .field("archive[archive_type]", "banner")
  .field("archive[public]", "0")
  .field("archive[description]", "Look at my cool banner!")
  .field("archive[nsfw]", "0")
  .field("archive[for_trade]", "0")
  .field("file", new File("/path/to/Desktop/banner.png"))

// Using OkHttp
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("text/plain");
RequestBody body = new MultipartBody.Builder().setType(MultipartBody.FORM)
  .addFormDataPart("archive[title]","Distant Worlds Expedition")
  .addFormDataPart("archive[description]","Look at my cool banner!")
    new File("/path/to/Desktop/banner.png")))
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .method("POST", body)
  .addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer YOUR_API_KEY_HERE")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
// Using Fetch
var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("Authorization", "Bearer YOUR_API_KEY_HERE");

var formdata = new FormData();
formdata.append("archive[title]", "Distant Worlds Expedition");
formdata.append("archive[archive_type]", "banner");
formdata.append("archive[public]", "0");
formdata.append("archive[description]", "Look at my cool banner!");
formdata.append("archive[nsfw]", "0");
formdata.append("archive[for_trade]", "0");
formdata.append("archive[featured_image]", fileInput.files[0], "banner.png");

var requestOptions = {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: myHeaders,
  body: formdata,
  redirect: 'follow'

fetch("", requestOptions)
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));

// Using jQuery
var form = new FormData();
form.append("archive[title]", "Distant Worlds Expedition");
form.append("archive[archive_type]", "banner");
form.append("archive[public]", "0");
form.append("archive[description]", "Look at my cool banner!");
form.append("archive[nsfw]", "0");
form.append("archive[for_trade]", "0");
form.append("archive[featured_image]", fileInput.files[0], "banner.png");

var settings = {
  "url": "",
  "method": "POST",
  "timeout": 0,
  "headers": {
    "Authorization": "Bearer YOUR_API_KEY_HERE"
  "processData": false,
  "mimeType": "multipart/form-data",
  "contentType": false,
  "data": form

$.ajax(settings).done(function (response) {

// Using XHR
var data = new FormData();
data.append("archive[title]", "Distant Worlds Expedition");
data.append("archive[archive_type]", "banner");
data.append("archive[public]", "0");
data.append("archive[description]", "Look at my cool banner!");
data.append("archive[nsfw]", "0");
data.append("archive[for_trade]", "0");
data.append("archive[featured_image]", fileInput.files[0], "banner.png");

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.withCredentials = true;

xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function() {
  if(this.readyState === 4) {
});"POST", "");
xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer YOUR_API_KEY_HERE");


The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "status": 200,
    "message": "New archive successfully created!",
    "archive_slug": "distant-worlds-expedition-e75efa22-ed90-4485-9758-f1a4fae5db1b"

This endpoint creates an archive. In this example, we are creating a banner from an image upload.

HTTP Request


Scoped HTTP Request for Developers with Multiple API Keys

If you have multiple API keys created on Enderbook, the API will default to the one with the client_type identified as minecraft. To specify which key to use, customize your client_type in your Enderbook API Key settings to identify which application you're working with.

Then, in your API request add &client_type=YOUR_CLIENT_TYPE_HERE to the end of the request URL. It is highly recommended that you make_your_string_snake_case to avoid URL errors.


Parameter Value Description
archive[title] string Title of the archive
archive[archive_type] banner Required
archive[public] 0 Change value to 1 if you want the banner to be public.
archive[description] string e.g. "Look at my cool banner!"
archive[nsfw] 0 Change value to 1 if you somehow made a banner look offensive.
archive[for_trade] 0 Change value to 1 if you want this to show up in the associated server's marketplace.
archive[featured_image] file path e.g. /path/to/Desktop/banner.png

Archive Creation Parameters

Required Parameters for all Archives

Parameter Value Description
archive[title] string Title of the archive
archive[archive_type] string Required. See archive-specific banners for the archive type you're creating.
archive[public] 0 Change value to 1 if you want the archive to be public.
archive[description] string e.g. "Look at my cool stuff!"
archive[nsfw] 0 Change value to 1 if your content is potentially offensive. See our terms of service for more info.

Server Parameters (available for all Archives)

Parameter Value Description
archive[server_attributes][title] string The name of the Minecraft community server.
archive[server_attributes][minecraft_server_address] domain name e.g.
archive[server_attributes][website_address] URL e.g.
archive[server_attributes][id] integer If you already have the ID of the server, use this instead of all of the other server_attributes.
Parameter Value Description
archive[archive_type] banner Required.
archive[featured_image] file path e.g. /path/to/Desktop/banner.png
archive[ncs_banner_link] URL Must be from, e.g.
archive[for_trade] 0 Change value to 1 if you want the archvie to show up in the associated server's marketplace.

Base / Settlement Parameters

Parameter Value Description
archive[archive_type] base Required.
archive[base_tour_link] URL Must be from Enderbook embeds your YouTube video to the archive.
archive[gallery_images_attributes][attachment][] file path e.g. /path/to/Desktop/base_entrance.png - Try not to upload more than 10 images, or you may run into a timeout error.
archive[gallery_images_attributes][attachment][] file path You can repeat this same parameter for each image you need to upload.

Blog Post Parameters

Parameter Value Description
archive[archive_type] blog Required.
archive[blog_category] string Recommended if your blog covers multiple topics.
archive[raw_blog_content] text The blog content itself.
archive[short_description] string In 200 characters or less, summarize your blog post content.

Book Parameters

Parameter Value Description
archive[archive_type] book Required.
archive[book_author] string Give credit to the person that wrote the book.
archives[book_pages_attributes][0][content] string Repeat [0] through [49] for each page.
archive[gallery_images_attributes][attachment][] file path e.g. /path/to/Desktop/base_entrance.png
archive[gallery_images_attributes][attachment][] file path You can repeat this same parameter for each image you need to upload.

Kit & Ender Chest Parameters

Parameter Value Description
archive[archive_type] kit Required, use ender_chest if you're not creating a kit.
archive[item_attributes][0][quantity] integer 0 - 127. Number of items in the stack.
archive[item_attributes][0][kit_index] integer 1 - 27. See Kit Index Reference
archive[item_attributes][0][durability] integer 1 - 100
archive[item_attributes][0][item_type] integer See Item List
archive[item_attributes][0][item_meta] integer See Item List
archive[item_attributes][0][item_name] string See Item List
archive[item_attributes][0][image_format] png or gif See Item List
archive[item_attributes][0][item_text_type] string See Item List
archive[item_attributes][0][enchantment_attributes][name] string Name of the enchantment.
archive[item_attributes][0][enchantment_attributes][level] integer 1 - 32767. Level of the enchantment.

Kit Index Reference

Map Parameters

Parameter Value Description
archive[archive_type] map Required.
archive[map_screenshot] file path e.g. /path/to/Desktop/angry_goose_map_art.png
archive[map_creator] string Give credit to the cartographer / map artist.
archive[map_id] integer Include the map ID if you know what it is (usually the default map name unless someone renamed it).

Player Parameters

Parameter Value Description
archive[title] Minecraft in-game name For Enderbook to properly generate the player's skin, use the exact spelling of the player's Minecraft in-game name.
archive[archive_type] player Required.
archive[gallery_images_attributes][attachment][] file path e.g. /path/to/Desktop/epic_player_screenshot.png
archive[gallery_images_attributes][attachment][] file path You can repeat this same parameter for each image you need to upload.

Redstone Machine Parameters

Parameter Value Description
archive[archive_type] base Required.
archive[machine_creator] string Give credit to the Redstone engineer.
archive[youtube_link] URL Must be from Enderbook embeds your YouTube video to the archive.
archive[gallery_images_attributes][attachment][] file path e.g. /path/to/Desktop/machine_birdseye_view.png - Try not to upload more than 10 images, or you may run into a timeout error.
archive[gallery_images_attributes][attachment][] file path You can repeat this same parameter for each image you need to upload.

Timeline Parameters

Parameter Value Description
archive[timeline_start] yyyy-mm-dd e.g. 2020-08-22 for August 22nd, 2020.
archive[timeline_end] yyyy-mm-dd e.g. 2020-08-26 for August 26th, 2020.
archive[timeline_ongoing] 0 Set value to 1 if the event is ongoing (in other words, there is no end date because the event is still taking place).
archive[featured_image] file path e.g. /path/to/Desktop/group_screenshot.png
archive[photo_credit] string Give credit to the person who took the photo/screenshot.
archive[youtube_link] URL Must be from Enderbook embeds your YouTube video to the archive.
archive[video_title] string Title of the video. Makes for a better display of the timeline event.
archive[video_credit] string Give credit to the person who created the video.
archive[blog_category] string Useful if you want to associate your timeline event with non-timeline blog posts.
archive[raw_blog_content] text The body of your blog content.
archive[text_credit] string Give credit to the person who wrote the body of the blog content. Useful if you are not the author of the text.
archive[personal_timeline] 0 Set value to 1 if you want this post added to your personal timeline.
archive[server_attributes][title] string The name of the Minecraft community server.
archive[server_attributes][minecraft_server_address] domain name e.g.
archive[server_attributes][website_address] URL e.g.
archive[server_attributes][id] integer If you already have the ID of the server, use this instead of all of the other server_attributes.

Item List

require "uri"
require "net/http"

url = URI("")

http =, url.port);
request =

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body
# Using Requests
import requests

url = ""

headers = {}

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


# Using http.client
import http.client

conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
payload = ''
headers = {}
conn.request("GET", "/api/v1/items.json?minecraft_version=1.12.2", payload, headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data =
curl --location --request GET ''
// Using Unirest
Unirest.setTimeouts(0, 0);
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("")

// Using OkHttp
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .method("GET", null)
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
// Using Fetch
var requestOptions = {
  method: 'GET',
  redirect: 'follow'

fetch("", requestOptions)
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));

// Using jQuery
var settings = {
  "url": "",
  "method": "GET",
  "timeout": 0,

$.ajax(settings).done(function (response) {

// Using XHR
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.withCredentials = true;

xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function() {
  if(this.readyState === 4) {
});"GET", "");


The above command returns JSON structured like this:

"status": 200,
"data": [
        "type": 0,
        "meta": 0,
        "name": "Air",
        "text_type": "air",
        "image_format": "png"
    }//, several hundred more items after this.

This endpoint retrieves all item data possibilities for Minecraft version 1.12.2 and earlier. It's a big, honkin' file, so be ready for a massive payload. This endpoint is intended for you to familiarize yourself with how an Item is structured when building Kit and Ender Chest archive create requests.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
minecraft_version 1.12.2 Support for other versions soon, hopefully!


The Enderbook API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.
403 Forbidden -- The archive requested is hidden for administrators only.
404 Not Found -- The specified archive could not be found.
406 Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't json.
429 Too Many Requests -- You're requesting too many archives! Slow down!
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.